2nd International Conference on Chemistry and Chemistry Education
Reorienting Chemistry and Chemistry Education: Advancing Sustainability Research in the 21st Century
Conference Day
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After 13 years of holding national seminars on chemistry and chemistry education, the Chemistry Education Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret is proud to invite scholars to participate in The 1st International Conference on Chemistry and Chemistry Education (IC3E). This year’s theme is reorienting chemistry and chemistry education: advancing sustainability research in the 21st century. This theme was raised because of the growing need for sustainable chemistry and chemistry education in the 21st century. Furthermore, by presenting keynotes who are experts in chemistry and chemistry education, this conference can be the best choice for scholars in the fields of science and education in chemistry, physics, biology, and science to learn, share and collaborate.
- Organic, Inorganic, Analytical and Physical Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
- Pharmacy, and Public Health
- Energy and Sustainability
- Material and Applied Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Effective instruction in Online environment
- Laboratory activity during and post-Covid 19
- STEAM Education
- System thinking in Chemistry and Science Education
- Transformative learning in Chemistry & Science Education
- Curriculum and assessment reform in Chemistry
Registration & Abstract Submission
Notification for Acceptance
Notification for Acceptance
Full Paper Submission
Full Paper Submission
Early Payment
Early Payment
Regular Payment
Regular Payment

Dr. Sri Yamtinah, M.Pd
(Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia)

Dr. Mohammad Masykuri, M.Si
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

Yuli Rahmawati, Ph.D
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Maria Ulfa, M.Si
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
19th August 2022
08:00 - 08:30
Opening Ceremony
08:30- 10.00
Prof. Mauro Mocerino
Dr.rer.nat. Sri Mulyani, M.Si
11:30 -13:00
13:00 - 14:30
Prof. Chris Rayner
14:30 -16:00
Paralel Session I
20th August 2022
08:00 - 09:30
Ianatul Khoiroh. Ph.D
Dr. Sri Yamtinah, M.Pd
11:00- 12:00
Paralel Session II
13:00 - 16:00
Paralel Session III
Type of Participants | Early | Reguler |
Oral Presenter | ||
Non Student Indonesia | IDR 500.000 | IDR 750.000 |
Overseas | USD 50 | USD 75 |
Student Indonesia | IDR 400.000 | IDR 600.000 |
Overseas | USD 40 | USD 60 |
Co Author | ||
Indonesia | IDR 300.000 | IDR 450.000 |
Overseas | USD 30 | USD 45 |
Additional Paper | ||
Indonesia | IDR 250.000 | IDR 300.000 |
Overseas | USD 25 | USD 30 |
Non Presenter | ||
Indonesia | IDR 25.000 | IDR 50.000 |
Overseas | USD 10 | USD 15 |
Participants are invited to submit an abstract for an Oral Presentation, Submit your abstract using our submission page. Abstract must be written in English and a maximum of 300 words.
Abstracts of all papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be available on this website and included in the conference abstract book after the application fee is received.
ideo recordings (.avi, .mp4, and .flv) of online presentations will be played at the parallel session, and presenters should be connected via zoom cloud for Q and A. Time allocated for the online presentations is as 8 mins for video recordings. Online presentations ought to be submitted 2 weeks before the conference for technical arrangements.